Today is the day that we visit Bratislava - this is the capital city of Slovakia and lies on the river Danube. There has been a settlement here since the Celts and Romans and it was the former coronation town of the Hungary Monarchy. It was previously called Pressburg. The Danube is overlooked by the imposing Bratislava Castle, situated 85 metres above the river.
A castle was first recorded in this place in 907 A.D. The present castle was built as an imperial residence in the first half of the 15th century and became the seat of the Hungarian emperors in the 16th century. It underwent its last major renovation in the 18th century at the command of Maria Teresa. The castle is an impressive white building with lovely gardens and a good view over the city.
Picture 1 - Bratislava Castle
Picture 2 - Bratislava Castle Gardens
On the way to and from the coach we were told to take care not to trip over the Bishops’ hats…
Picture 3 - "Bishops' Hat"
From the castle, we re-boarded the buses and drove down to the old town. Here we entered the pedestrian zoned old town through Michael’s Gate. This is the only gate that remains from the medieval town walls.
Picture 4 - Michael's Gate
This was much nicer than Vienna - the architecture was similar but the whole city felt friendlier. We tried some honey wine in a nearby shop before making our way to the main square where we walked through the courtyard of the town hall - a lovely building with a pretty roof.
Pictures 5 and 6 - Town Hall
We then made our way to the Opera House. On the way we passed an icon in the Old Town - Čumil, the Man at Work statue. This was created to poke fun at the mini skirt fashion that came out in the 20th century. However, he’s been run over by some cars so there is now a sign warning of his presence!
Picture 7 - Cumil Picture with Sign
The Opera House was at the end of a lovely pedestrian boulevard, lined with trees and fountains. It was really pretty – so much nicer than Vienna!
Picture 8 - Opera House
From the Opera House, Mum and I walked to St. Martin’s Cathedral to visit (you’d think we’d have had enough of churches by now!). This gothic cathedral was built in the 13th-16th centuries and served as the coronation church of the Kingdom of Hungary between the 16th and 19th centuries. This was, in comparison to the Baroque churches we had seen, a much-restrained version which was a nice break. From the cathedral we wandered the streets before heading back to the Opera House to get the bus back to the ship.
Tonight we leave for Budapest, passing by Bratislava on our way – with some wonderful views of the castle.
Picture 9 - Bratislava Castle at Night