It made us laugh to see the fire extinguishers on the ship – labelled “Dragon Powder”.
This morning we started with a walking tour of Angkor Ban. This village has a small Buddhist monastery as well as a number of traditional wooden stilt homes. It is one of the few villages that wasn’t destroyed during the Khmer Rouge regime. On the shore there were many brightly coloured statues as well as the expected stupas.
Picture 1 – Angkor Ban
The locals have found a novel use for the disused water bottles – building materials for gates and archways. On the way around the village we visited one of the traditional stilt houses – the steps to the upper level were really steep!
Picture 2 – Angkor Ban
On the way back to the ship we passed a line of statues which represent different Zodiac animals. In Cambodia different birth years have a different Zodiac animal associated with them. Mine is a Water Serpent (or dragon) whilst Mums’ is a Tiger!
Picture 3 – Animals of the Zodiac
This afternoon we visited Koh Pen Island by tuktuk. This is an agricultural island with a variety of crops being grown – banana trees, tobacco, betel nut, mango, watermelon and coconut palms to name a few.
Tonight is our final night on the ship so there is a farewell cocktail before our farewell dinner.