29th April 2022
Left work early and, after a quick stop home to pick up some things I forgot (and forgot some other things that I meant to pick up!), I headed out to head up to the Severn Shepherds Hut by Llanidloes. It was a nice trip up, not too busy on the A470 although I did pass:
1 accident
2 cars with engine trouble
1 car pumping up his wheel (well, the driver was).
I stopped at Brecon for food supplies and then continued northwards, driving through some pretty wee villages.
I arrived just before 7pm. The hut is in a picturesque location above the babbling Severn River.
30th April 2022
Woke up this morning listening to the babbling brook and birdsong. The birdfeeder is right outside the window above the bed so I spent a good 10mins or so just watching the birds. The current tally is:
Blue tits
Coal tits (Badger birds!)
Duck (in the river)
Squirrel (in the trees on the other bank)
Pheasants (heard).
After breakfast, and a quick tidy I sat on the bed and started to determinedly do nothing! With my reading book, birdbook and knitting next to me. I'm also trying to get a good picture of the Nuthatch but he's being very unco-operative!! I'm still waiting for the Long-tailed Tits to arrive then I can really brag!!
2 Siskins!! And a Chaffinch, and I finally got a picture of the Nuthatch, I knew I would!!
I always thought Blue Tits were small slim birds - they're about twice the size of the Coal Tits! And the same size as the Nuthatch. Squirrel is over here now, eating up the fallen seeds from the ground. And Siskin is back with, I think, Mrs Siskin. I'll have to check when I get home as the bird book doesn't have a picture.
2 Jays as well - they seem to be more skittish than the littler birds. Robin is enjoying the breadcrumbs I put out and Chaffinch is there. And a Great Tit has arrived. Lots of little birds!! But Robin's still my favourite - he makes me smile.
Here's the Nuthatch back again and Great Tit has returned….just a minute - there's TWO Nuthatches!!
And three Blue Tits, two Coal Tits…..
Two Goldfinches, two Chaffinches and Blue Tit. And now Maggie's come down, seemingly for the sole purpose of scaring them all away - he's fluttered off now. Oh, the Goldfinches are back and the Blue Tit (who scared one of the finches off, big bully).
Goldies back - they're so colour full when they land, and there's the Badger Bird as well. This is a good holiday, I don't realise how much I miss the birds until I see them again. Badger Bird has a definite stripe - I wonder why his proper name is a Coal Tit and not a Badger Tit?
Lunchtime - left over korma from last night with a cuppa tea. After lunch I took a wander down beside the river to the garden the other side, past a "pick your own weeds" sign (they're free), over a brook, past a reclining mermaid and arrived at a Hobbit House.
Three Jays, time for drink and cake. I have the door open now - it's nice to hear the babbling brook outside, with the lambs baa-ing and the birds tweeting. I talked to the the owner of the hut and she told me that they have had as many as 15 Siskins at once here…FIFTEEN!!! I am jealous!
Nuthatch is back on the nuts, and here comes squirrel…..up onto the crumbs plate and stuffing his face!! That isn't squiggy food you know!!
Two squirrels are at it now. One glove (the practice one) is knitted, but not sewn up since I didn't bring the needle, and it (a) looks like a glove and (b) fits my hand!! I count that as a success.
Just cooking dinner, pie and carrots followed by rice pudding. Yummy.
1st May 2022
It rained overnight so I woke up to an overcast wet morning. Had a shower and breakfast and then settled in to watch yesterday's snooker and knit. The birdfeeder is empty so I don't expect to have many feathered visitors.
Just had a cuppa tea and the bird feeder has been mysteriously filled! I've already seen the Nuthatch, Robin, a couple of Great Tits, the Coal Tit and a couple of Chaffinches. Still waiting for the Long-tailed Tit though. I've also seen a Willy Wagtail in the trees opposite.
6 Siskins….SIX!! Mum will be jealous. The Nuthatch has been to and fro and a Blue Tit came to look in the door window.
2nd May 2022
Heading back home today, over the Brecon Beacons, then down through Penderyn (of the whisky) and back onto the M4 and home.